Friday, September 27, 2013






Tuesday, September 17, 2013



感覺,像是越過了一條分水嶺,踏入了mid thirties的階段。


或許應該說,希望我能更自在。也就是法文裡的bien dans sa peau - feel comfortable in your own skin, 不卑不亢。


能夠真正做到bien dans sa peau, 大概是目前最大的心願。

Monday, July 8, 2013

Lucky ducky

I did it again. I was ungrateful and whiny and cranky the past few days (it was not pretty), forgetting completely the fact that I am one lucky ducky.
I am lucky to have a healthy, able body. A bit fat, and short, but still functioning well.
I am lucky to have a job that pays well, so that I can afford many nice things that I want.
I have the best husband, who makes dinner and washes dishes and never hesitates to tell me that he loves me.
I have the best family, who chats and jokes with me on whatsapp and sometimes runs errands for me and most of all just wants me to be happy.
I have friends at home that still care about me. I can use some more close friends here in Singapore, but finding company for a girls' night out, a brunch, or a dinner / drinks is never a problem.
Seriously, what more can I ask for?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

[Random] 公園

1. 我很喜歡公園。
2. 每來到一個城市,我都要到那兒的公園走一走,看一看。雖然公園一般離不開春田花花大片草地加噴水池的組合,但每次走進公園,看見那一片綠意鴦然,心胸總會變得舒坦,人也快樂一點。
3. 而且,公園不像其他旅遊景點,是真實的,是人們生活的一部份。跑步的,帶小孩寵物散步的,睡午覺的,看書的… 我喜歡這樣坐在公園的一角,靜靜地看各式各樣的人,過自己的生活。
4. 每一個好的城市,都應該有一個好的公園,寬廣,綠化,就在市中心,誰都可以進去。曼克頓的中央公園是最好的例子。倫敦的海德公園和巴黎的盧森堡公園也不錯。最近去了塞維爾(Seville) 的公園,大大的噴泉在宏偉的西班牙廣場上,舉目是樹林和草地,真正讓我留連忘返。

5. 香港也有維園,但不夠大,綠化也做得不夠好,比較像一個運動場。如果維園能像大埔海濱公園那樣就好了,這樣,也許香港人的心胸可以寬大一點,人也可以開心一點。

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

[Random] 從手袋想到的

1. 想買一個手袋。上班時用,幹練又不失典雅,低調而有品味,有什麼選擇?其實也不是負擔不起愛瑪士,但心裡總暗暗覺得,我這妹妹頭,恐怕還駕馭不了Birkin,不如不用。

2. 四十歲吧,希望我四十歲的時候,能有一個Birkin。如果我還在上班的話。

3. 四十歲聽起來很可怕。但想當年二十出頭的時候,也曾覺得三十歲是遙不可及的事。

4. 不知什麼時候開始,我已不再自動是辦公室裡最年輕的一個。雖然外表還是妹妹頭,但談經驗,談歷練,談心態,實在不可算年輕了。

5. 如果主流手袋品牌也能用來形容一個女人的成長,大概會是這樣吧: 大學時用Agnes b, 剛出道愛Coach或Burberry Blue Label, 漸漸心儀Gucci, 再升呢到Prada, 然後是Chanel, Hermes…

6. 這麼一寫,忽然覺得女人好膚淺啊。

Saturday, May 4, 2013

There are no clean slates


四月其實有許多大事發生:上了車買了樓從此負上幾百萬巨債。參加了三十天熱瑜珈挑戰。因為天天做熱瑜珈很容易肚餓竟然越來越肥。又,拿到了一個job offer。為是否跳糟一事猶疑不已。




There are no clean slates, but you don't need one to start fresh.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

It can only get better

Believe it or not, March will be over in 2 more days. (Seriously, where did all the time go?) For the last two months in a row, I have written and posted on the last day of the month, ranting about how lost and unmotivated I was, and wishing and hoping that the start of a new month will bring some positive changes.

So now that March is almost over, has it gotten any better? In some ways, yes. The flu is finally gone (thank goodness), and we have confirmed our honeymoon trip with a line up of very nice hotels in Andalusia. I've even splurged on an Alice + Olivia floral dress and a pair of dreamy louboutin espadrilles to add to my honeymoon wardrobe! And to embark on the journey to become a  true taitai, I have also made dinner a few times, much to SB's delight. *pat on back*

But then, as always, some things are not as good. And I have come to realize that I am the root of all the problems: Too many weak moments where I let procrastination and complacency get the better of me. Too many empty promises that I have failed to keep. Too many days and nights that I have wasted by doing nothing. And... I am the only one who can change this.

So now, if you will bear with me, here are the things that I swear I will be better at starting in April:

1. Getting back in shape: I have done it and I know I can do it. All it takes is willpower and discipline!
2. Managing my finances: SB and I are planning on buying our first home soon but this has made us realize how lacking we are in terms of finances. That means I really have to cut down my occasional splurges and use money more wisely.
3. Cooking at home: SB seems to be quite happy with my cooking so far. I look forward to trying some new recipes in the new month!
4. Being professional at work: as mentioned in my last posts, work has been dragging me down lately. I'm crossing my fingers that April will bring some good news, so let's see... but I hate being and feeling mediocre, and something has to be done regardless.

So here is my list of April resolutions, if you will. I will report back in a month to let you know how it goes.